LTE - Low Temperature Evaporator
Low Temperatures Evaporator for 100% high quality clean water recovery and recycling in single step in closed loop from any type of wastewater using low temperature evaporation technology based on mechanical vapor compression/recompression system providing eco-friendly solution. This system operates on compressed vapor without use of external heat source i.e. boiler, turbine, cooling water etc. thus eliminating use of heat generation unit (Fossil & Non-Fossil Fuel Boiler) and heat rejection unit (Condenser and Cooling Tower).
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Mechanical vapour compression/recompression is employed for compression of vapour to recycle steam required for evaporation
at very low temperature under vacuum which offers a wide range & precise control of heating steam temperature according to process requirement.

This low temperature evaporator is running successfully and performing excellently in many plants for various applications across the globe. The recovered clear water is recycled back to the process and there is no need for pre and post treatment of the water.
Schematic Diagram: